How to Treat Tree Transplant Shock?

How to Treat Tree Transplant Shock?

Regardless of how cautiously you plant our trees, they stress out as they adapt to their new spot. That’s what tree professionals refer to as tree transplant shock, encapsulating the vast issues trees undergo after they’re transplanted. Transplant shock...
How Heavy Rainfall Affects Trees

How Heavy Rainfall Affects Trees

While heavy rainfall is a blessed relief for landscapes in the hot Tampa area, it could be too good. A lot of rain can create problems for mature and young trees.    Heavy Rainfall Causes Tree Stress Trees breathe through their roots, meaning they release carbon...
How To Remove Tree Roots In Your Septic Tank

How To Remove Tree Roots In Your Septic Tank

A septic tank is a big cement underground tank used mostly in suburbs and country area properties as a private sewage facility. You may find roots in your septic tank. There are a couple of methods you can use to get rid of the roots.    Techniques for...
Is Lichen On My Trees A Problem?

Is Lichen On My Trees A Problem?

When you hear the word lichen, maybe some fungus comes to mind. If you worry about lichen on your trees, you don’t need to be. Lichens don’t breach any tissue, developing only on the surface of your tree. In reality, lichens are mixtures of fungal tissue...
What Is Spanish Moss?

What Is Spanish Moss?

What is Spanish moss? Well, if you have ever been in the deep south, you probably know about the hairlike, gray strands hanging from numerous trees. This is Spanish moss and it thrives on other trees to flourish. Even though it needs a host, Spanish moss is not an...