If your landscape experiences direct salt spray, the Geiger tree may be your best bet. This tree thrives in alkaline, dry, salty, and sandy soils. It can flourish as a street tree in a tight space. And it’s one of the top flowering trees that can handle the salt spray from the ocean. However, it can’t handle cold weather. 


Geiger Tree Information

What is a Geiger tree? A Geiger tree is a little tree with evergreen leaves and orange flowers. It’s also referred to as an orangeTampa Tree Care The Geiger Tree cordia or scarlet cordia. Some associated trees in the Cordia genus have yellow or white flowers and have alike conditions. 

These trees are home to the Caribbean islands and probably to Florida. They can flourish in zones 10b to 12b. Therefore, in the U.S., South Florida is the only spot right for growing this species. Though, the Cordia boisseri with its white flowers is more tolerant of cold weather.

The flowers on Geiger trees bloom annually but are most plentiful in the summertime. They emerge in clusters on the tip of limbs and are typically a brilliant orange. This tree does make sweet-smelling fruits that fall on the ground. So, plant one in a spot where these fruits won’t be a nuisance. 


Growing Geiger Trees 

Cultivating a Geiger tree is a way to bring aesthetic appeal to an urban lot or beach garden. Also, the tree can be grown in a big container. Its full size when growing in the dirt is around 25 feet wide and tall.

Plant your tree in the sun to adore the most significant number of flowers. Also, it can endure partial shade. A soil pH between 5.5 to 8.5 works best. Once established in the ground, the tree can handle drought and flooding. 

For prime tree care, trim the tree as it develops to choose a single trunk. If not cut, a Geiger tree can grow many trunks that can ultimately deteriorate and break. Use mature seeds to reproduce the tree.

Reach out to us at Tampa Tree Service to learn more about Geiger trees.