Newly planted trees usually are staked to give more support until the tree has grown a root system sturdy enough to work as its foundation. These tree stakes are only for temporary aid. It’s vital to remove them 12 months after planting or after one complete growing season. If trees are left staked for too long, the stakes will hinder the tree’s growth, so don’t forget to remove the stakes around your new trees! If you have any questions or concerns about stakes and your trees, don’t hesitate to contact a Tampa arborist.
While staking young trees could be a good idea, the stakes usually do more harm than good. Read this article to find out why it could be a good idea to skip the stakes.
There is genuinely never any reason to stake a tree if the tree was well taken care of at the nursery and planted correctly. Stakes are only necessary for the first year if things are likely to bump into them such as footballs, soccer balls, or car doors.
The Best Time for Removing Tree Stakes
You may be questioning how to decide the right time for removing stakes around your new trees. If you have just planted trees, chances are you have put in tree stakes to support your young trees. Most newly planted trees need tree stakes to keep them upright and healthy until they take hold.
This is particularly true in some planting conditions, including trees planted in windy climates, young trees that have dense foliage, and a tree that has a small root ball relative to its overall size.
The question regularly asked is, “When is the best time for removing stakes that are supporting my young trees?”
While the best answer may differ contingent on soil conditions and other things, a good rule to know is to leave the tree stakes in place so that the soil around the root ball can settle. It also provides the tree lots of time to grow its roots and to get a firm hold on the surrounding soil. When the roots are well established, it is crucial to let the tree swing openly in the breeze.