The state of Florida has the distinction of being the warmest spot in the U.S. The year-round sunny, warm weather allows Floridians to take pleasure in incredible outdoor spaces and landscaping vegetation that is not available in other parts of the nation. Before discussing landscaping trends, it is critical to understand Florida climate zones.
Florida’s Climate Zone
When designing your landscaping project, it is vital to know what plants grow in your area. Florida’s plant hardiness zones go from 8a to 10b. This state has two climate zones: subtropical and tropical. Click on your city to find a tree care company that knows what grows excellent in your climate zone.
Subtropical Climate Zone
Florida’s subtropical climate zone goes from Palm Bay to Tampa north. The local climate is highly influenced and oceanic thanks to the state’s nearby water basins. The long summers are humid and hot with daily afternoon rain showers. Sometimes, snow has even fallen in a few places in Northern Florida.
Tropical Climate Zone
The tropical climate zone of South Florida entails warm winters with just a couple of rainy days. The summers are hot and humid with almost daily rain showers. Summer doesn’t vary much from winter in this zone.
Florida Landscaping Trends
Vegetative Gardening
Florida landscape trends are currently focus on vegetative gardening. Numerous landscapes have a combination of garden foods and lovely flowers. Spinach and collard greens are really popular. Florida gardeners are attempting hydroponic gardening for lettuce and tomatoes.
Grass and Groundcovers in Florida
Grass choices in Florida are usually Bahia, St. Augustine, and Zoysiagrass. In recent times, there has been a real upswing in Bahia being planted around Florida because of its drought hardiness. Also, alternate groundcovers are becoming typical for Florida landscapes. It is not unusual to see Mondo grass or Asiatic jasmine instead of common turf grass.
Landscaping is very beautiful and very diverse because of the state’s distinct climatic regions. Fauna usually thrives in the different places and flourish with very little care.
Contact Tampa Tree Services to begin planning your beautiful new landscape oasis.