Going down any block and you will see trees cut in odd-looking forms near power lines. The typical city spends over $30 million annually cutting trees away from power lines. Tree limbs between 25-45 feet high are typically in the trimming zone.
It can be very upsetting when you go to work in the a.m. with a fabulous full tree canopy on your terrace, then come home in the p.m. to find it chopped into a strange form. Keep reading to learn things to keep in mind while planting trees near power lines.
Should You Be Plant Trees Near Power Lines?
Usually, 25-45 feet is the height tree care companies cut tree branches to have room for power lines. If you’re planting a tree in a spot under power lines, it is recommended that you pick a tree that doesn’t grow over 25 feet. Also, most city plots have utility easements on one or more sides of the plot line.
Even though they’re part of your property, these utility easements are planned for utility crews to have access to power boxes or power lines. You can plant in the utility post area, but the energy company can cut down or prune your tree if they feel it’s necessary.
Planting around utility posts also has its guidelines. Trees that grow under 20 feet should be planted at least 10 feet away from utility posts. Trees going 20-40 feet must be planted at least 25 feet from utility posts. Any tree over 40 feet must be planted at least 45 feet from utility lines.
Trees under power lines
In spite of all these measurements and rules, there are numerous small and large trees that you can plant beneath power lines and near utility posts. To get your tree planted correctly, call a tree care company for assistance. A professional has all the right tools and equipment to plant the right tree in your yard that delivers shade and aesthetic appeal.
Below is a list of some trees you can safely plant:
- Amur Maple
- Apple Serviceberry
- Eastern Redbud
- Smoke Tree
- Dogwood
- Kousa
- Cornelian Cherry
- Pagoda Dogwood Magnolia
- Large-Flowered and Star Magnolia Japanese Tree Lilac