Florida has a harsh weather pattern which makes flowers and plants challenging to grow. Maybe you are thinking about what sort of flowers grow best in Florida’s summertime since not all flowers can deal with the humidity and extreme heat. There is no need to fret!  Go to your local tree care company to see more varieties.


Below are some flowers that grow best in Florida.


Shooting Star

Florida is well-known for these flowers since most cities grow them, not to mention they can develop through softwood cuttings. Their color is lavender or purple particularly when they’re blooming. They’re star shaped with shiny green, bright leaves. A shooting star flower is just a tiny shrub that grows around 4 feet.


Canna can grow from anywhere between 4 to 6 feet while some types only grow between 2 to 3 feet. Besides their beauty, cannas can handle Florida’s heat and can tolerate cold temps of around 10 degrees. Canna’s flowers have a mixture of colors in red, orange, and yellow. This flower requires organic mulch and decent water supply in its flowering season.


Tampa Tree Care Service What Flowers Grow Best In Florida


Firebush is a blazing beauty that grows up to 10 feet tall and has a tube-shaped flower local to Florida. If you want a simple to produce a flower, firebush is what you desire. Its flower is orange and yellow and appeals to butterflies and birds. It flourishes all year long in Florida since the state doesn’t have severe winters.


This type is colored pink, blue, and white. It is ideal for hanging baskets due to their fluid form. Also known as “fan flower,” a Scaevola grows yearly between 8 to 12 inches. Incredibly, you don’t need to get rid of the dead leaves since the flower does it by itself. It appeals to butterflies since the plant originated in Australia. Scaevola can within the heat and has no issue with bugs bothering them.

All these flowers and more can make your summer colorful and fun. They can liven up your day as you chill in your outdoor space with friends and family.