Nothing says tropical paradise like majestic palm trees swaying in the breeze. The lovely green fronds speak of fun in the sun and all things tranquil here in Tampa. But what do you do if your beautiful green fronds are suddenly turning yellow?

Palm trees, for all their awesomeness, do require some specific care and maintenance to keep them healthy. Different varieties have varying soil, water, and nutrient needs, and just like any other tree, palms should be checked periodically by a tree specialist.

Some yellowing of older leaves is normal and not a cause for concern. But if much of your palm tree is losing its green to an unwanted yellow, it is likely due to one of the following culprits.

Poor Soil Nutrients

Palm trees are quite particular about their soil requirements, and problems in the soil easily lead to yellowing fronds. A soil sample test can help determine if your palm’s habitat is lacking any or all of these vital nutrients:

  • Nitrogen
  • Iron
  • Magnesium

While there are DIY soil tests, you may be better served by having a trained arborist perform the test to determine what, if any, fertilization is needed..


If soil sample tests come back healthy, then it’s time to consider that a fungus may be the problem. Several different types of fungi can attack palm trees, damaging the trunk and leaves.

Palms are particularly susceptible to a fungus with the unfortunate name of Ganoderma butt rot. This disease starts attacking at the base, or butt, of the palm and quickly becomes lethal to the tree if not addressed promptly. If you suspect a fungus, enlist the expertise of a trusted tree care company as soon as possible.


Unfortunately, palms fall prey to many insects that love to wreak havoc on them. Mealybugs, palm aphids, and caterpillars all cause problems that can kill the tree if not treated quickly. If you see webs or signs of infestation, it’s time to call a professional tree care expert.

Keep Your Palm Tree Evergreen

Did you know that palm trees are in the evergreen family? Just like pine and fir trees, your palm should remain green year round. So if you find yours looking not-so-evergreen, the experts at Tampa Tree are here to help. Reach out today, and we’ll help you treat, protect, and preserve your palm tree’s beauty.